Site of Special Scientific Interest

A large part of Sleaford Golf Club is situated in a declared Site of Special Scientific Interest. We are delighted to be working with Natural England and play our part in maintaining the biodiversity of our environment.  The course possesses some of the most important calcareous grassland within the county of Lincolnshire and arguably within the country.

Plants on calcareous grassland are typically short and hardy, and include grasses and herbs such as clover and smooth rupturewort. Calcareous grassland is an important habitat for insects, particularly butterflies, and can where appropriate be kept at a plagioclimax by grazing animals, usually sheep but sometimes cattle.   Rabbits play a part but due to the onset of myxomatosis their numbers decreased so dramatically that they no offer a significant grazing benefit.


WILDLIFE PROJECT.  Sleaford Golf Club, under the leadership of one of our members Nick Lawson, has developed a project to encourage new and enhance the habitat for the course wildlife.  Take the opportunity to read the latest news relating to this worthwhile initiative.


The Club are pleased to announce that at the annual Golf Environment Awards dinner held in Harrogate on Wednesday 25th January 2023, Mr Nick Lawson, who is pictured on the left was crowned as Conservation Greenkeeper of the Year for 2023.

This was a great achievement that was the culmination of several years of hard work at the Club. The judging panel were that impressed, that in each category of marking and criteria, Sleaford Golf Club came out on top.

With the aid of other members, Alan Aistrup, George Parr & Barbara Parr, the team have rebuilt several hundred metres of dry stone wall, as well as providing habitats for various creatures around the course.

Well done to everyone involved!